Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What do you want to know?

I guess this is a little bit shameless, but I'm sure that I'm not doing as well writing this thing as I could be, and that's in part because I am terrible at coming up with ideas for things to write about.

So a request: what do you want to know about?  If you propose an idea, I'll write about it, at least in some way. The more ideas, the more posts, maybe?



  1. Ummm, apparently I'm the only one who stalks your blog and has ideas? Maybe it's from my unrealized wish to join the Peace Corps. Anyway, I'm curious as to
    (a) what you do for fun - it's not like you're at the movie theatre seeing Harry Potter (right?)
    (b) what your office and its capabilities are - how do you liaise with people and establish connections? Is it mostly traveling and phone calls?
    (c) what do you miss about the States? what are you surprised to not miss about the States?
    Just some ideas, carry on as you wish!

  2. I think I missed this part but I'm interested in the why... how did this all come about?

    Also, to what extent is Internet access (e.g. maps or docs in the cloud) useful? Do hospitals use open-source software/systems?
