Monday, February 21, 2011

Kilimanjaro's Uhuru Peak -- 19,345 Feet Above Sea Level

Courtesy of Lani and Val's Flip Camera Christmas present, I present my first video entry (in HD!) on this blog.  Apologies for the out-of-breath narration and not-so-good camera work.  19,000+ feet and 8 hours of hiking will do that to a person.

More pictures and full(er) stories to come, but in short: Hiking Kilimanjaro was difficult.  We did the last day in a blizzard (see video below, click here for larger) and were at the summit at "sunrise" though in practice that only meant the sky changed from black to gray.  Of our group of 14, all of us made it to the summit at Gilman's point, and another 10 of us went on to Uhuru Peak, Africa's highest point.  We're all back in our respective homes now, 10 of us back in Swaziland, and the other four, including my high-school friends Nick Potter and Matt Flanders, are back in the US.

I do think this video gives a sense of what it was like up there, maybe hold your breath while you're watching it to bring your oxygen levels down to further simulate the experience.


  1. Congratulations -- 14 hours of hiking is ridiculous (or whatever the final total is, I can't really do math).

    Looking forward to some more HD video.
